I have never seen anyone on TV or heard on the radio, talk about a government free health care system. Today, everyone seems fixated on some kind of government involvement. Once again, no government program I have ever seen works to help the governed, they only work to the advantage of Washington DC. If you and I truly want the best health care system be need to wrap our arms around the concept of “individual responsibility”, not standing in the street like a beggar with our hands out.The only system that will work is a system absent of any government programs, absent of lawyers, and with health insurance that protects us from financial disaster. Only catastrophic coverage should be available. The beauty of such a system is that government is not needed, lawyers would be banned from profiting from people’s misfortunes, insurance would be available in a way that meets the definition of insurance (protection against loss), and lastly the graft and corruption now in our system would be eliminated. Such a system would rein in exorbitant costs that infect today’s system thus making it possible for today’s costs to come down as much as 70%.Here are some “facts” you will not hear from the news media or politicians. Americans take too many medications, go to the doctor too often and are afraid of financial disaster due to a catastrophic health issue. It is this “being afraid” of financial disaster that contributes most to our crisis and politicians know how to take advantage of this fear with unattainable solutions and promises that do nothing but keep them in office. Also, you cannot get healed by taking medications, or by going to the doctor, or having health insurance company pay for treatments, or by going to a hospital. The only true healing available to anyone is their own body, and it is a tremendous healer if you will only give it a chance. Everything else in health care is designed to “help” your body do its job.Now, here are some “truths” you will not hear from the news media or politicians. The fear of financial disaster can be alleviated by purchasing catastrophic coverage. In additions there are thousands of non-profit organizations just waiting to help people with unusual circumstances. I know this because I speak to many of them. Also, because of government run programs, ten percent of our population uses up ninety percent of all health care resources. Read this last sentence again, think about it and answer this question. Do you consider yourself in the ten percent of the most wasteful, or in the ninety percent that can get by with less? This may be the most important truth you will ever hear so please embrace it. If you take care of your body by eating properly and exercising properly, you will eliminate of sixty percent of all possible diseases and illnesses you could possibly come down with in your lifetime. Let’s learn to vote properly and become more educated about what health care truly is, the system will work. Learn more truths by going to my “.com” website, “the health care fix”. There is a lot there. There are also two books available on Amazon Kindle, “Health Care: It Can Be Fixed” and “Ten Tenets For Better Health”. Have a great and blessed day.
How Can We Reform Health Care?
The United States is the only one of all industrialized nations that does not have some kind of system providing health care to all of its citizens. How can we ignore upwards of 45 million people and growing that do not have access to affordable health care? There are many things on our collective plate that need attention and if ignored will result in grave consequences. We have been discussing this dilemma for many years. Other issues of war and the economy have cast a shadow over the political campaign and now tackling the challenges ahead. There are few things more fundamental than health, food, shelter and education. We can no longer set aside these issues denying their importance or urgency.Each country that has accessible health care for its citizens has followed a different path driven by similar but different circumstances. Nonetheless they all came to the same conclusion. If we are to rebuild America it cannot be done without the security and stamina of our very selves. All health care systems are imperfect but all were driven by necessity of circumstances. The health care needs of wartime Great Britain drove them to the obvious and desirable solution of the National Health Service. Although one of the most socialized in the world, health care in United Kingdom has enjoyed a large measure of success and satisfaction over the last 50 years while continuing to thrive. France evolved a health care solution over the same period of time adding to what was already working in gradual steps. The net result is accessibility to quality health care of its population considered by some to be highest ranked in the world. Although the United States may be a leader in medical innovations, we rank 37th in overall services among other countries.In a recent article in the New Yorker magazine by a practicing physician Dr Atul Gawande, he described the successes of universal health coverage in Massachusetts since its adoption in 2007. The majority of people who had satisfactory coverage in place remain directly unaffected while a sliding scale fee program was established making health care coverage available to all who are uninsured. Choices still have to be made regarding cost containment and most necessary services. However any system has to have oversight and requires difficult decisions be made to continue providing quality and needed services. Overall the Massachusetts plan has been a satisfactory and an imperfect success insuring over 97% of its citizens with a very high rate of satisfaction.We can learn from all of these examples that a change in our health care policy is not only needed but inevitable. History has taught us that issues such as this are path dependent. The most recent Nobel Prize in Economics was given to Paul Krugman for demonstrating how this very phenomenon drives trade patterns and geographic location. It all harkens back to necessity is the mother of invention. Circumstances and initial steps in our history literally drive the subsequent direction of the outcome. Even if you are ignorant of history you cannot escape its viral influence. The path during this journey has become narrow. We too have reached a point in our history where change must come. The choices are more diminished but are not without merit. They must be bold. But like others before us, we can build on what we have now that works. We can repair what does not work and add choices where there are none. The cost will be an investment that will reap dividends for all of us who share this third rock from the sun.
Commercial Mortgage Overview
At present, commercial mortgages are the ideal way to finance the development of businesses, as they provide flexible and affordable financing solutions. For businesses confronted with severe financial difficulties, commercial mortgages are the best way to avoid bankruptcy and to re-achieve stability in the market; for growing businesses, commercial mortgages are perfect for financing business changes and improvements. Commercial mortgages can be used for a variety of purposes, such as: the purchase of business premises expansion, residential and commercial investment, property development, meeting the lenders’ criteria, etc.Commercial mortgages basically refer to loans made using real estate properties as guarantee for repayment. Although commercial mortgages have similarities with residential mortgages, in the case of commercial loans the collateral (the security pledged for the repayment of the loan) is a type of commercial building or a business real estate, not a type of residential property. Consequently, commercial mortgage deals are generally closed by businesses, not individuals, and unlike in the case of residential mortgages, borrowers have to present with solid credibility and creditworthiness in order to receive a substantial loan.The terms and conditions of commercial mortgages greatly vary from a regional perspective; for instance, commercial mortgage policies in the United States differ from those closed in the UK in aspects such as the length of the loan, the length of time allowed until balloon payment (total payoff of the loan) and so on. However, the most pronounced variations of commercial mortgages are in areas such as interest rates, which are established by the local market.In order to get the most out of a commercial mortgage, it is crucial to pay the right attention to interest rates, the duration of the loan and the repayment schedule stipulated in the contract (these are interrelated variables that can substantially influence the quality and the efficiency of any underwritten commercial mortgage). It is important to note that there is no right or wrong way to negotiate the conditions of a commercial mortgage; however, it is crucial to opt for the repayment plan that best suits your business’ needs and your financial possibilities.Commercial mortgage interest rates can be categorized in two distinctive groups, each having specific advantages and disadvantages: commercial fixed rates and commercial variable interest rates. Commercial fixed interest rates are ideal on the premises of continuously rising interest rates on the market; they are preferred by business owners who want to stabilize the monthly payment amount. By choosing a commercial fixed rate, one can also incur an “early redemption charge” (ERC), which basically acts like this: after the previously established fixed rate period of repayment has expired, the borrower benefits from an extended period of repayment, with the condition to pay a variable rate established by the lender from that point on. The ERC has been adopted by many categories of commercial loan providers, thus allowing borrowers to overcome any emerging financial problems during the period of repayment.The commercial variable interest rate is primarily influenced by the changes in the base rate established by the Bank of England. This type of commercial interest rate also fluctuates according to the local market rates and other factors, and should be avoided in highly unstable markets. Before choosing commercial variable interest rates for your loan, it is crucial to do an extensive research of the market in order to efficiently forecast the short-term and long-term evolution of the market interest rates. If the market prediction is favorable and the interest rates are expected to drop significantly, then the variable interest rate is the indicated choice; otherwise, one should opt for the fixed interest rate.The process of closing the right commercial mortgage deal has many subtleties and involves performing an entire series of specific tasks. In order to get the most out of a taken commercial mortgage and to overcome any impediments over the period of the loan, it is crucial to employ the services of a prominent, highly reputed commercial mortgage brokerage company.